Today’s Wordle #1310 Hints, Clues, and Answer for Sunday, January 19th, 2025

Wordle, the popular five-letter word puzzle game, continues to challenge players worldwide. Today’s puzzle, Wordle #1310, is no exception. If you’re here, you’re likely looking for hints, clues, or even the answer to today’s Wordle. Let’s dive into the details to help you solve it or understand how others cracked it.

What is Wordle?

Wordle is a simple yet addictive game where players have six attempts to guess a hidden five-letter word. After each guess, the game provides feedback: green tiles for correct letters in the right position, yellow tiles for correct letters in the wrong position, and gray tiles for letters not in the word at all. The goal is to guess the word in as few tries as possible.

Today’s Wordle Hints

If you’re stuck on today’s puzzle, here are some hints to guide you:

  1. Starting Letter: The word begins with the letter “R”.
  2. Ending Letter: It also ends with the letter “R”.
  3. Vowels: There are two vowels in the word.
  4. Repeated Letters: One letter appears twice.
  5. Meaning: The word refers to someone who rows a boat, often called an oarsman or sailor.

These clues should help narrow down your options. If you’re still unsure, keep reading for the answer and a breakdown of how to solve it.

How to Solve Today’s Wordle

Many players use strategic starting words to maximize their chances of success. Words like “CRANE” or “SLATE” are popular because they include common vowels and consonants. For today’s puzzle, starting with a word that includes the letter “R” and common vowels like “E” or “O” would be helpful.

Here’s how one player solved it:

  1. They started with “RAISE,” which helped identify the presence of the letter “R” and the vowel “E”.
  2. Next, they guessed “TOUCH,” which eliminated some letters but didn’t provide much new information.
  3. Their third guess, “BIPED,” further narrowed down the possibilities.
  4. Finally, they guessed “WAVER,” which confirmed the letters “W,” “E,” and “R.” This led them to the correct answer: “ROWER”.

Another player used a different approach:

  1. They began with “CLAIM,” which turned out to be a poor guess as it left 655 possible words.
  2. Their second guess, “SPORE,” reduced the options to 33 words and revealed three yellow tiles.
  3. They then guessed “RODEO,” which further narrowed it down to three words.
  4. Their final guess, “ROWER,” was correct.

Today’s Wordle Answer

The answer to Wordle #1310 on January 19, 2025, is “ROWER.” This word refers to someone who rows a boat, often seen in competitive sports or recreational activities.

Interesting Facts About Today’s Word

  • Etymology: The word “rower” comes from the Old English word “rōwan,” meaning “to row.” It is derived from the Proto-Germanic root *“rō-” and the Proto-Indo-European root *“ere-,” meaning “to move” or “to flow”.
  • Rowing as a Sport: Rowing has a rich history, dating back to ancient civilizations like Egypt and Greece. Today, it is a popular competitive sport featured in the Olympics, with events ranging from single sculls to eight-person crews.

Today’s Wordle Difficulty

Today’s puzzle was considered challenging. According to WordleBot, the average number of guesses was 5.1, with only 6.5% of players solving it in three or fewer attempts. The repeated letter and the specific meaning of the word made it tricky for many players.

Tips for Future Wordle Puzzles

  1. Start with Common Letters: Use starting words that include common vowels (A, E, I, O, U) and consonants (S, T, R, N).
  2. Pay Attention to Feedback: Use the color-coded tiles to eliminate incorrect letters and narrow down possibilities.
  3. Avoid Plurals: Wordle answers are never plural words ending in “S”.
  4. Practice Regularly: The more you play, the better you’ll get at recognizing patterns and common word structures.


Today’s Wordle, #1310, was a challenging but rewarding puzzle. The answer, “ROWER,” tested players’ vocabulary and problem-solving skills. Whether you solved it quickly or needed a few extra guesses, the satisfaction of cracking the code is what makes Wordle so enjoyable.

If you didn’t get it today, don’t worry—there’s always a new puzzle waiting for you tomorrow. Happy Wordling!